"Why do people give up on relationships so easily?" Why is this dumb question circulating like there's no tomorrow?
Stop Expecting Parental Love from Your Partner – It’s Not Their Job
Dumpers with a secure attachment style: have you ever rekindled your last relationship
Dumpee Narrative: Playing the Victim and Refusing Responsibility
Question for dumpees: why would you contact your ex repeatedly after the breakup?
My ex is suicidal (almost 6 months after breakup)
How to make my ex to stop contacting me?
So many anxiously attached people here, and it shows
I Will Never Date an Anxiously Attached Person Again
My (29f) husband (29m) asked for a paternity test and I freaking hate him for it, and wish I hadn’t had I baby with him.
Why do Women Hate Me?
Battle Plan
We lost the unfair genetic battle
I got rejected by a girl
how to deal with feminists at the workplace who are always talking bad about men?
What event in your life made you grow up instantly?
Imagine you went on a date with a girl you met on the Internet, but in real life she looks nothing like she does in the photo (much worse). What is your reaction?
What's the dumbest excuse you've ever heard for cheating?
What will happen if artificial intelligence takes over the world?
Will this issue ever be taken seriously by those in power?
How do you come to terms with wanting something so badly, but in the end it wasn’t for you? (a job, friendship, relationship, opportunity, etc.)