Out of all of Tyler's music, which of his songs would you cry to the hardest?
U think he copped it?
I saw a post on the Tyler sub comparing his songs’ names to Gorillaz songs’ names, so I made my own version with a few more examples, and posted it here 🙃
I think I might have a theory
Lego Plastic Beach needs less than 5000 votes
describe every tyler album with an emoji
I can’t remember this artists name
My name is Edwin
this paper towel in peripheral is haunting me rn😭
Sorry but.. the form of her eyes remind me...
Best track on D-Sides?
Who’s the person who talks in the Humanz interludes?
What song got you into Gorillaz
New album?
Is cherry bomb over hated? Cause I think so.
Pick A Gorillaz Song That Would Fit This Commercial I'll Wait
Anything about this Fanbase that got you like this?
Ive just discovered gorillaz and the music is so fucking good
One of their best pieces of instrumental work imo
Which Eye should I use for the mimic
Does anyone know any games like little nightmares?
Why didn't we get to see any children being hit or beaten by the teacher physically?
Ranking every Tyler intro
IGOR's ablum cover if it was with the flat-top version