What is your ideal ending for Azula?
Who is the funniest Avatar character in the whole franchise? (in your personal opinion and why)
Can we take a moment to appreciate how beautiful Azula is, despite being a villain?
What do yall think?
Azula is faced with a tough choice [RocketAxxonu]
Ma Meilleure Ennemie MV
Jinx and Ekko are apparently getting Valentine’s day skins for Wild Rift
“This ain’t goodbye no more, nah, it just began” are they teasing us?
I just realized “wasteland” is a song from both Ekko and jinx. This might be my new favorite song from arcane.
"Their story is worth continuing though" WE FINNA EAT GOOD
[S2 spoilers] What scene made You cry The Most? After this whole moment I cried 1 hour without stopping.
[s2 spoilers] "The worst thing she can say is no"
"I'll be right back..."