Eyes with 4 types of brown
kibbe type help please :) (height 5’5, 5’6)
Do I [23M] give an ultimatum for my depressed [26F] partner to finish her degree?
Golden hour eyes picture: they're green and light brown, can you see it?
Men with a high number of past sexual partners - how likely is it that you'll be able to stay faithful in a long-term relationship?
Ex on dating app
Bf (m27) betrayed my (F25) trust multiple times and I cant get over it, how do I do that?
Girlfriend (25F) of 7 years cheated on me (27M) 2 years ago.
Prove I’m Wrong: When in a monogamous relationship, maintaining friendships with individuals of the opposite sex is healthy.
What color are my sisters eyes? Help us settle this argument
Help me find my kibbe type please*My height is 163cm
Falling for someone even though we have never met in person but call almost every night!
Am I DC?
INTJ boyfriend super rude during arguments
How do I end a relationship after we became intimate?
Do people often think you think you are better than them?
Any artsy Entj?
How can you "tell" someone is intelligent?
Boyfriend (27) keeps making me feel like he's cheating
My INTJs out here y’all are cool and misunderstood.
Is it wrong to have a preference for low body count?
How come I manifest both as ×NTJ and ENF×
In a relationship with a fellow INTJ
ENTJ & INTJ at the same time