How to help with bad jeans odor?
DCA into VOO or start position in VTI?
Anything I can/should do about this?
Anything I can/should do?
Amazon driver wrote on my porch railing with a sharpie
Anyone Dealing With "The Spins" Post-Op?
Amazon driver wrote on my porch railing with a sharpie (I am not OP)
*Lady posted - probably didn't expect to get mowed down by the majority*Amazon driver wrote on my porch railing with a sharpie
What happened to just having regular men’s/women’s bathroom signs?
6 months post op, djs & genio - Braces out.
We finally hit $800k in investment accounts
Just sharing my dad's latest works
If you had to choose one brand to buy all your clothes from, which would be?
Talking with wires?
Custom Caps Shoes For Friday's Game
Have you noticed getting sick less since jaw surgery?
Why does my chicken breast always overcook in the crockpot?
Custom Court vision I painted for my Boyfriend
My girlfriend painted me shoes
Is my 70 year old dad onto something with his newest hobby?
Would you hang either of these on your wall? Thought I'd try a new style instead of my usual hyperealism - Oil on Linen Panel 😊
Caps themed shoes I made for my cousin
Completed Washington Capitals themed shoes
3 month post op LJS + genio
At what HHI do you and your partner feel comfortable fully funding a 401k?