Anyone else bet money on the Oscars? Here are the odds on Fanduel
Ajuda com frizz/ressecamento? Já usando Haskell Murumuru e Leave-in Braé. Algum oleozinho ou coisa do tipo?
He watched Twilight | ContraPoints
Mike White says "we can always go back in time"
Preciso de indicações de analista Lacanianos, com especialização em dependência química e transtornos alimentares - De preferencia que tenha foco na população LGTQIA+
Travel Tips?
Which White Lotus storyline has been your favorite so far?
Unpopular Opinion
Hi Frenz. I cót a smol alligator. I'm da queen of crimez
I really hope the show finds amother jewel to give us these pearls.
What is Leo Woodall's accent from?
O que pode ser isso que está saindo da minha gata grávida?
This guy has outwit, outplayed and outlasted the other guests for two seasons now, can he do it again?
Is Portia coming back for Season 4?
She’s now officially Monica Vitti
What happens in Brazil shortly after Carnaval?
How come she took him back
I kinda (or fully) have the gay accent and I've been made fun of because of it, both before and just yesterday
Armond Appreciation 🖤
Is my moms cat pregnant or overweight?????????
Need theories on who this could be
A movie you feel most sorry for getting shutout at the Oscars