Up to date Dokkan links for stun, sealing and ATK lowering
Vegito is Born, but to the Ultimate Battle Theme [OC]
These are the greatest fusions of all!
Monthly gacha revenue February
Probably the best photos of Toriyama
How it felt when the 7th year EZAs were revealed
SUPER COPIUM: 7 years ago they did a surprise banner when Ultra Instinct first aired; so maybe we'll get a surprise banner once "that guy" fights in Friday's Daima finale 👀
Next Dokkan Fest Tamagami 3 and Tamagami 2? Similar to this? Would lead up to Saiyan Day being Daima.
Freeza gets the Carnival SSJ2 Gohan treatment
This is what Omatsu is running at the moment
Without a doubt, this has been the greatest month in the history of Dokkan Battle
Imagine if the whole of Daima is just Beerus' dream that he had at the start of Super
7th anni EZAs are now live!!!
They're practically giving bosses passive skills now
Fun Fact, you can collect 10 orbs with ssj4 gogeta, then use the golden great ape and then pop the ultra big bang kamehameha to get 100% additional atk
SSJ4 Gogeta is back 👑
This is going to be such a fun rotation
LR Monke and LR Gods ATK & DEF calcs
SS4 Duo and SSG Duo EZA attack and defense stats!!!
7th anni part 1 EZAs
Gohan is the only 10th anni LR that doesn't have any form of stacking when he supers. I wonder why?
Where did they go wrong with Kid Buu? [Daima Spoilers]
Cooler fights Jiren to decide the fate of Universe 7