Hi new player. I'm not a native english speaker but teach how does a man 5 man exp work
Ls blind prophet. I want to farm tier 17 strongbox.
How do you farm 8 mod tier 16 maps this event?
Need suggestions how to earn currency.
where to get gold?? need to respec
How do I improve my build to fight the uber elder?
What are builds that uses a lot of unique gears?
What's currently the best melee build that can clear all content.
What broken facet combos went unnoticed this recent patch?
ive seen this as so many times does anybody know who she is?
What your weird picks that actually works?
Weekly Dota 2 Meta Heroes 7.35c (March 08, 2024)
I can't decide which build to choose. I really like the 1st build but it's only top 107 on akasha while the 2 build is top 3. The 3rd build is also really good with higher er and decent crit ratio and attack.
Updated enka card! Fairly min maxed Ayaka with a few stray rolls
Lets do it!
What sucks about being female?
I got quest locked... Pt.2
Weekly Kequeen Megathread