keep imagining painful scenarios at random times that make me feel sick and can’t breathe 🤢
love how i go from being all emotional with soft piano music on a cloudy day all the way to abusing my radiohead CDs by throwing coke bottles at them and yelling at them once it hits night time ✨
Doo doo soy influenza
throwing radiohead at vito scaletta
Fucked or ok?
End of Reckoner
I felt like a Victorian beauty honestly!
i was laughing earlier because this guy makes jazz versions of metal songs, rap songs, all kinds of crazy songs! but he made a cover of “the greatest” and the strings are actually so fricking beautiful 😭
What if your favorite Vito’s Outfit?
he looks like a sack of wet peas, potatoes and shit mixed together
lana needs her turn to release the unreleased! 😭
one of the songs from my childhood has a intro that i think would fit into a lana album! i think this intro has a born to die/honeymoon feel to it 🥰
i was working on a 1940s styled home, building skills improved from when i was younger and can’t even publish it as a level! LOL
not LBP3 telling me to share a level even though the servers are literally gone 😭💔
heroic fanfare isn’t on the LBP music album 😭💔
Woman pointing gun at a computer for some reason in 1998.
imagine how cool it would’ve been if LBP had a mafia 2 DLC back in the day!
lana del rey coded sackboy
does anybody have this photo in higher resolution?
I almost had an heart attack
Which Song is This?
woke up and my eyelashes were somehow naturally curled up to look like a pretty princess and i don’t even wear makeup
Back in 2011-2014 era she was an absolute enigma
Everyday. Anyone else?
i put the tremble voice effect over thom pouring his heart out