what other artists do you think could work well with ghost?
dude im starting to hate sem
Is it just me or Sematary pronounces the "R" weirdly especially in rainbow bridge 1?
What’s your favorite producer tag
What is YOUR FAVORITE song from Grave House
[FOR HIRE] Cheap full body, shaded animal art comissions!
Tumblr post about the new songs
does anyone have that one goofy ass pic of haw era sem smiling
Do you guys think she knows Gm came back
Anyone got that pic of sematary doing the money spread on his bed with like 5 box cutters and $100 or smth
Sematary's Twitter post regarding the fires
ghost mountain better not pull a buckshot
do yall just call hm members fat cuz u hate urself?
WQ Game and/or DLC giveaway!
They done turned Sematary into a cookie 😭
Is it possible for 7 pups to survive?
the “great shift” for haunted mound fans was realizing sematary is better than ghost mountain in every way shape and form
unfinisehd worlds a fuck mv:
Post No. 3852858 about why “Unknown Fate” deaths suck
find this shit so funny now he's actually back
Thinking anyone from HM /former members is anywhere close to Sematary’s or Ghost Mountains level is insane to me
Can we send anyone who doesn’t fw ain’t worth it to trap jail
about ghost mountain?
Does anyone have a HAW computer wallpaper?
Maybe tracy wasn't joking 😂