Mexican state decriminalizes abortion
I protect my kids
Have you always been pro-life?
Do you think people born after 2000 becoming more Christian, or is this not indicative of a long term trend
What's the first major news story you can remember living through as a child?
Guttmacher's abortion statistics are horribly wrong
Counties that voted more Democrat in 2024 than in 2020
How do they keep getting away with this?
According to ProPublica, sepsis rates increased in Texas after abortion was outlawed. Does the raw show this?
A Venus figurine is any Upper Palaeolithic statue portraying a woman. Various figurines exaggerate the abdomen, hips, breasts, thighs, or vulva
7.3% of All People Who Died in Quebec Were Euthanized
A couple of nice, big boobies.
Trump signs order to study how to expand IVF and calls for 'radical transparency' from government
Are here by any chance Polish pro-lifers?
According to the CDC, maternal mortality fell in both 2022 and 2023. MMR is now the lowest it has been since 2018.
Disturbed by Political Messiahs captivating Catholic Social Media
Update on Pope Francis: Pope’s condition is 'stable' and he does not have a fever
What happened to BrownHairedGirl?
Just WOW
According to this source, abortion was uncommon in Russia and Western Europe until the late 19th century.
“Pro-Choicers” Supporting Forced Abortions
My grandfather turned 100 years old today
Do abortion rates really go up where it is illegal?
Which Saint/Blessed Is This? A Google Image Search Suggested Edith Stein or Faustina Kowalaka