Ultramarine Leviathan
Poor quality from GW
Working on my Scars HQ. Here's Qin Xa's base. I have a traitor Sons of Horus force so painted up the dead dread in roughly that scheme not the Alpha Legion it's sculpted as.
SoH Assault Squad Shield Wip
Maloghurst the Twisted base wip
Transfer sheet decals
Heraldry transfers?
Deathguard Sicarian WIP
Smurf Sabre
Sabre wip
TS Praetor
Anacharis Scoria – the Xanophane Tyrant
TS support squad
Scimitar squad WIP. Mars Pro, 1 plate per full model. About 3 hours print time each.
Ultramarine Leviathan down on Calth
EC Kratos
Magistus Amon display base wip
Emperor's Children Sun Killer
Daemons in new edition
Heating and bending resin
Any advice on how to fit two-handed weapons together easily with resin?
Lord Commander Eidolon
Eidolon WIP