I don't like it when everything is a political game
What labels do you hate because of your MBTI type?
I don't like when answers are too simple, too fixed, or too rooted in experience
If human society is supposed to be evolving for 'progress,' why does it sometimes seem like we lose our 'humanity' in the process?
If you could change one social rule, what would it be?
I don’t like when success is seen as a one-size-fits-all formula
What weird labels have you been given just because you're introverted?
What’s the misunderstanding about you that annoys you the most?
I don’t like being labeled ‘Anti-Social’ just because I need alone time
Anyone else feel misunderstood when asking “Why?”?
I don’t like when people think i’m criticizing when i ask questions
What advice do people constantly suggest to you, but you feel it’s unnecessary or outdated?
What’s something that’s been normalized lately that you’re not a fan of?
What are some things you used to tolerate because you thought they were normal, but now you realize are harmful?
What things did you realize were lies as you grew up?
I don’t like when everything is turned into a joke.
What are the things you just can't tolerate about yourself as an intp?
I don’t like how our vocabulary keeps expanding with new terms popping up everywhere, especially on social media
2025.2.15 I need to breathe
Why does it feel like you have to agree with the crowd on social media or stay quiet?
I don't like monotony
Are there any common things in adulthood that seem simple but are actually really difficult?
I don't like when people can’t accept rejection