Someone hit my parked car yesterday. At least they were nice enough to leave a note.
Found a Brooklyn 99 Easter egg in the Call of Duty BO6 map derelict
Found a Brooklyn 99 Easter Egg on Derelict in BO6
Decided I would get back in on the fun, first shares bought in 3+ years
You can't beat the value of GameStop
Pixel chief says 'very few' Pixel users are coming from Samsung phones
Is NoahJ done?
Got a little spend happy this weekend at my favorite store!
Season 0 Players. Who is an original character you will still play to this day?
Notifications for buying PSA cards from GameStop
Here is the Kansas City Shuffle in GME (It is already done)
Look at the bright side. highest weekly close since November 2022.
With the extra funds being risen I thought I would look at what companies are worth less than 5 billion 🤔🧐
The people who “quit” playing halo infinite. What made you quit playing the game?
Hit the ball so hard the game thought it was a Ground Rule Double and not a Home Run...
I will guess ur pp size based off your fav slipknot song
Former Rare Dev Say There's Not An Audience For A New Banjo-Kazooie
What Slipknot song got the best groove?
TIL that the $1.50 hot dog combo from Costco is NOT a loss leader. Costco was able to lower costs by manufacturing its own hot dogs and cutting condiment options. The CEO claims that Costco does not engage in loss leaders.
Hi, I’m Keanu Reeves, AMA
Dude talks shit, says things you shouldn't say and gets absolutely obliterated at the Dallas Stars Game
I had a very emotional moment with a guy on the first date and then ghosted him.
Which Games Have been Successfully Released (including Day One Patch) with Least Bugs/Glitches in 2022?
I’m getting tired of paying 200$ for a controller and lasting less than a year
Sony Responds To Microsoft, And Thinks The Nintendo Switch Could Never Run Call Of Duty