How would you react if you suddenly woke up with $30 million deposited in your bank account and if it wasn’t any mistake from the bank?
Watering hole live WebCam in Kenya, Africa.
What would be your first instinct after you dropped your phone into the toilet full of melted and hardened poop with pee?
What was the best comeback you have ever heard?
How would you react if you even got one dent on your car?
What was the moment you knew you had to turn your life around or else it would get pretty bad?
Isn’t it unfair that you can have more customizations for vehicles plus more vehicles in GTA online but not in story mode?
What was the last time you cried yourself to sleep? Why did you cry yourself to sleep?
People of Reddit, have you ever had a dream where you woke up but when you tried to sit up you couldn’t and then you actually woke up in real life? On a scale of one to ten, how scary is that?
People of Reddit, what couldn’t you fix but your child could fix?
Who’s the most likely to play the victim and blame it on someone else when they know they did it?
Who’s the most likely to hide in a shipping container only to get shipped off to a whole different country?
People of Reddit, did you ever get publicly humiliated? If so, what happened?
Who’s the most likely to shit their pants during a Taylor Swift concert?
Who’s the most likely to reveal your house address publicly?
Who’s the most likely to mistake salt for sugar and put it in their coffee or tea?
Who’s the most likely to play dumb when something serious/dangerous/unbelievable happens when they know it’s them who did it?
Out of all the people who are currently living with you, who would most likely be the person who gets themselves kicked out?
Out of all the people who are in the room sitting with you, who would be the most likely to be slapped across the face?
What was the dumbest reason a cop has stopped you for?
Would you rather be the hottest person alive or be the happiest person alive? Why did you choose that option?
Would you rather be the smartest person alive or be the funniest person alive? Why did you choose that option?
What was the moment that changed your life forever?
If you had to put one of your family members on a hit list, who would it be?
Would you rather prefer Google or would you rather prefer Apple and why?