Por que o Franjinha convidou a Milena pra jantar na casa dele?
Favorite protagonist who is an absolutely horrible person?
If you had to rename Ben's original 10, what would you name them?
Gladiador especial mal passado
escuta aqui....
Post you favorite character
What are your favorite nicknames in wrestling?
Would you like to see any of these four join the Hurt Syndicate?
Choose 2 and I Will Make You A Superpower
What are Bens big three aliens
you get to choose a superpower but the reply will be you weakness
Name a cartoon that you love but nobody have heard of it
Is it too high ?
Cite alguns filmes em que o fator "Reassistida" é 10/10
Name a character with a backstory that gives Doofenshmirtz this reaction
Magali em "Uma Comilona na Praia" (História Completa) + Nota importante no comentário abaixo
Favorite Badass Old Man?
Name a wrestler that's been in the WWE and I'll make them as a card. Who's after "The Scottish Warrior"?
What song fits Reverse flash/Eobard Thawne the most?
Pergunta do Dia #48: Na opinião de vocês, quais são as capas mais icônicas dos quadrinhos?
Describe this movie in ONE word
Name a WWE wrestler with your eyes closed
Who would you cast Michael Cera as in the MCU?
Make the comments look like his serch history
The last cartoon character you watched is in a Saw trap. Do they survive or not?