cOmE oN gUyS iTs NoT tHaT hArD wUt YaLl TaLkInG aBoUt
Sweater and glasses [F] (yasmil)
What is preventing us from going in?
Ivory Keys
Nemesis parts
This is my PvP loadout. Any tips?
I want whatever the guy smoked who decided to make the Chameleon an assault rifle.
My own edition to this, pick one attribute from each list and I'll create a power from it
Superpower based in the last song, you listen to
[WTS] [Riven] [PC] selling the worst riven in history. Pm
Favorite sniper rifle
Can you still buy save the world
Anyone else found this?
What's your favorite ghost shell?
If you could use the akimbo perk on any gun, which gun would it be?
I'll be able to focus wat
Where should I put my skill points?
Quicksilver storm are you ok?
Am i cooking here?
Say a random fact about your OC
Warlock tips?
Walked around the weight rack carrying a 20kg plate and nearly tripped over this
This is my phone backround. What is your phone backround? I'll rate it from 1-10
I have been shredding with this pro build (working my way to grand master)
$19 for a single strawberry