Ukraine reacts with defiance and anger to Trump withdrawal of military aid
Savage Axis II Precision or Tikka T3X Varmint Stainless
How would I recreate this effect?
Toronto / Ontario has some of the worst drivers in the entire world.
[Discussion] How is the AI update in PVE so far?
WTF is that wihite ball hah [Bug]
Drop em below 👀👀👀
Looking for recommendations on my first rifle! .308 Bolt Action
Any tips for how to shoot in harsh light?
Panning advice?
Ok guys, I’m going to be painting a custom slash body, and have a question.
[New Player] Labs key cards
LEDX left inside box
Lens recommendation for car photography without making me poor
[Loot] I did about 20 raids of shoreline resort and have found no Ledx. Am I unlucky or is it just *THAT* rare
Soft locked on Lavatory level one because I cant find sewing kits [loot][discussion]
Light painting with a classic dodge
Rally Photography Lens?
Can I run these on a slash? Please read
AIO Boyfriend Intimate Text with Male Friends
Used North Border Presets
A new Ukrainian fiber optic drone that has a 10-20km fiber optic cable
Where the fk are the Bronze Lions?!? [Discussion]
Rent prices across Canada fall to 18-month low
Electric drill