How would you change Star Wars: Legacy?
It never ceases to amaze me how the writers of Kung-Fu Panda 2 managed to make a peacock of all animals more frightening than a snow leopard or a yak.
Who do you prefer as being Obi-Wan Kenobi’s true love?
Best lightsaber form out of the classic seven for a lightsaber pike paired with a shield?
If you could, what would you change about Darth Krayt?
Thoughts on the Imperial Knights from Legacy? I honestly thought they were one of the most interesting ‘light-side’ factions introduced in the EU
Is There a Connection Between Thanatos and Thanos?
Am I the only one who thinks that Alain could be the head of a Kalos Battle Frontier? He’s clearly a skilled enough trainer to do it, and him experimenting with other gimmicks alongside Mega Evolution would make him a serious challenge.
Let’s say Ash caught these three Pokémon while he was in Alola. How do you imagine their arcs playing out?
Family Portrait(Kailor+Kids)
Logistically, which types would make for the strongest Elite Four?
Thoughts on Hoopsandhiphop’s concepts of regional forms for Emboar and Feraligatr?
Which member of each of the following starter trios do you see Paul owning?
What do you think will be this game’s substitute for the Noble Pokémon from Legends: Arceus?
Who’s your favorite trainer representing your favorite type?
Out of the trainers introduced in the anime or who weren’t moved from the games, which ones do you think could make up a Kalos Battle Frontier?
Day 12. Pick your least favorite antagonist.
Now that the panic has died down a bit… what are your thoughts on the whole ‘Red Hulk’ incident with Captain America and President Ross?
Starters for a Unova legends game
I know this is mainly an Ash/Serena subreddit, but I’ve seen mention of other ships on here and wanted to ask, what are your thoughts on Cheren and Bianca as a couple?
What character assassination hurt you the most?