can u rate my blogger?
Couples who have been together a long time (5+ years), why are you not married?
can anyone pleas rate my design?
your opinion about this shirt design ?
What is something you have a hard time not judging people about?
Do girls know if you look at their boobs?
Do girls know that boys love their feet?
Is it weird to take my car for a car ride like I would take my dog?
Why does it always have to be this way?
who deserves to be called the Goat?
What's a job or profession you absolutely wouldn't do?
movie quote
Is playing game too much less worse than using tiktok too much?
I regularly hear the sound of whistling outside my house?
I regularly hear the sound of whistling outside my house, and it happens every night what should i do ?
I regularly hear the sound of whistling outside my house, and it happens every night at 3:03 what should i do ?
Who is this man?
5 Common Dog Behavior Problems and Solutions
Free Karma!
I feel like I’m never gonna be in a relationship (any advice?)
What’s the hottest makeup brand out there for a gift for my mom.
Why does reddit just sometimes not show upvotes and downvotes?
Can i overload the battery of my PC if i let the charger on too long ?
I just put a fork in the microwave on accident, it was in there for probably about 45 seconds before I went to stir it and realized I fucked up, but the fork wasn't even warm and my microwave is fine, how?