Hard To Watch
Angles recording sessions
New Voidz Single!?!?
Mod-Approved Posts not Appearing on Feeds - Safari, Chrome, iOS
Does anybody know why he was fired from working on First Impressions of Earth?
My man Albert’s got some bangers.
Reddit Glitch -- Some Posts Not Appearing in Feed
Meet Me in the Bathroom Documentary
What are your thoughts on Julian’s lyricism? Has it gotten better,worse or just ok?
Pressure on LP7?
Any other demos of Julian on an electric piano like this?
What are Julian's favorite Strokes songs?
the strokes for player japan, february 2006 / no. 480 - english translated interview
Drama between Fab and Julian?
Was the $2 bill show shot at different times/places?
any Two Kinds of Happiness lovers out there?
duhuh u
Rare 2003 pic
Hidden meaning of Alone, Together
This b*tch says
TNA being their last album would be great!
Unreleased CRX Track on LA Wildfire Benefit Compilation
Indie sleaze trumps card game
Old pics?