What's your favorite YouTube channel you never miss a video from?
At what age did you lose your virginity and how?
Girl I'm seeing said "I just want to be sure about everything and not hurt you." Which led to us taking a break, we laid out that we are not seeing or talking to other people What would you do in this situation?
This guy hacked my Lyft Account how do I remove all his information?
Hiring manager rejected me as candidate but still said they believe I have role within company. Feels really open ended. Is there hope?
Hiring manager sent this to me on LinkedIn. Job rejection message. Also stated, "They strongly believe I have a place within company." Is hiring manager just being nice or does it seem like I may have role there in future?
I absolutely loved having my GRIII in Japan
I have had 15 Electroconvulsive sessions for depression and have been in psychiatric hospitals on 5 different occasions. Ask me anything
Google keeps crashing on my phone
Indie song
[TOMT] please help me find this song.
I watched every Adam Sandler movie in order of theatrical release and after it was all over my list surprised me. Can't wait for Spaceman.
Do these CT scans look normal?
Recently got CT scan done. Do these look normal?
Unemployed Since October 17th and I am trying LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor etc. I'm starting to lose hope
Why is no one picking up Mindhunter?
I am starting to lose hope...I was terminated and no can't find a job. What am I doing wrong?
I’m fully employed, but doing a job search as I hate my current job. Why is the hiring/interview process so bad these days?
Bloody stool
What do you say after sex?
My ex-bf leaked private pictures of me is there a way to remove it from the internet?
My mom won’t let me (F16) shower by myself
Advice for my teenage son
Another Round ending [SPOILERS]
AITA for having my date pay for drinks and dinner even after I paid her back? I didn't have my card on me. I had a venmo balance. Immediately I paid her on Venmo after for full amount plus tip.