Why don’t they make mouse flavored cat food?
The secret truth about Bostonians
If we evolved from monkeys why did we stop sh!tting in our hands and flinging it at enemies?
House Passes Bill to Impose Sanctions on I.C.C. Officials for Israeli Prosecutions
Methadone in hand. Requip tapering to begin. Excited for tonight.
Band name for a group of old white conservatives that only play 70's funk
Gardens Aglow at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
Stories About All Things New England Weird!!!
Welcome Back!
First Iron Infusion
What are your triggers?
What do you do *in the moment* with relentless RLS?
Adult gummies help
Once again, everyone here should do this one thing.
Please help me out of this situation
Horrible RLS Cycle
Longtime lurker, first time poster. Success with opiates treatment.
Name for a band where all the members have diabetes.
Any workarounds for melting iPhones in my car?
Shows that I can binge while recovering from surgery?
Windshield washer smell
AITA for digging in my heels about sex in a prenup?
Neurologist appointment isn’t until December 5th. I’m not having a good time. What are your otc suggestions in the meantime?
UK Secondary School has Pratchett as restricted reading material