1 year osu! Supporter Giveaway
hello! i'm doing a 3 month osu!supporter giveaway!
#eruri #eruricosplay when the contact lens slips
Can lifeline make it to rank 2 again
Its official guys, im dropping this manga
Why zeke trust so much eren?
How do i contact the author?
Monstrata (greatest lawyer of all time) makes abuser cry
UK osu! EPIC.LAN 44 Meetup Picture!!!
Zaqqy is now out of the top 100.
Any news for the anime adaptation?
BTMC's response about the Toromivana situation
Dream i had this afternoon
Not sure if this has been discussed, but legit (and probably pointless) question, what happens if a regular male titan ate the current Female Titan user? Does that mean they change gender upon transforming?
Players who took a very long break of osu after returning back again, what noticeable difference/s did you observe?
1 Year Supporter Giveaways!
Which side are you on?
Give me map names and I'll draw them each in 5 minutes from memory
spit your hot takes
Where did cloutiful go?
[osu!std] sigmoboysdt | blatant
I want to buy sayo device for rapid trigger feature. Is there anything i need to know before?
cloutiful | Jeff Williams feat. Casey Lee Williams - Time to Say Goodbye (TV Size) [A r M i N's Extreme] (My Angel Ram, 10.99*) +HDHRDT 98.60% 135/258 2xMiss | 1387pp (1698pp if FC) | His new top play!