A question for LGBTQ+ fans of Muse
(nice pussy)
Ask me any Muse question and then edit it to make me look like an horrible person
I guess I've listened to muse for way too much
Pillars of Muse?
if radiohead didn't exist, and you could only listen to one band for the rest of your life, which band would it be?
Summon Thom Bot and edit your comment to make him look like an asshole
Change 1 letter in a muse song title
Replace 1 word in a song title with fart.
All on clearance @ Best Buy. $12.24 average on 23 albums. I'm still fresh to vinyl so pinching a penny helps. I hope it helps you too.
Pick your favourite between two songs!
Saw this on another sub: Comment your favorite Muse song (feel free to reply to other people with your rating)
What small thing pisses you off?
Will of le People
Merry Christmuse!
First proper record player! NOTB had he be the first spin
What muse songs are better live then in studio
My favorite album came in today, picture disc and sealed.
What is according to you one of the stupidest line ever in a muse song?
Muse look up to Iron Maiden
Who is "she" that "can't have babies" on Megalomania?
Whart Redojead opinion wull have everybody likle this
Take a bow, lads!
Me celebrating the 20 years of Steal This Album!
In my opinion, this is Radioheads most underrated song. What's your pick?