Alright, what’s your reaction to the next Death Battle?
The worst hero, imo
If you agreed with the outcome of this battle, why?
Chiefs have informed Pro-Bowl guard Trey Smith that he will be... - ESPN
Nolan Got Competition
Top 20 Least Favorite MUs (AMA)
Why did it matter that there were more Stars than Chaos Emeralds? 284 universe-busters are still unfathomably inferior to an infinite multiverse-buster
Top Comment decides the best quote! Day 12: L
Indy hated Nazis
Favorite ever walk off? (playoffs included)
Of these four, who is the most moral, the most evil, and the most likable?
Who’s this man?
That's it. *Un-ultimates your lifeform*
How Could Omni-Man beat The Guardians even Quicker?
What, in your opinion, was the best quote from oversimplified?
Name a character that can beat Naruto
RandBall: The Jets officially broke up with Aaron Rodgers. Let’s not do this again, Vikings.
[Bleacher Nation] The Chicago Bulls Have Lost More Viewers Than Any Other NBA Team This Season
that’s crazy lol
The Seven (The Boys) vs Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Darth Maul
What's your thoughts on these new level defences???
The post Above shocked Reed:
Are the UNSC the good guys, or is everyone else just worse?
How worried are you about the rise of fascism?