So I got my 3rd lord today , cloak and dagger. How many lords y’all got ?
Does anyone feel like squirrel girl is a little over tuned?
The Ratio of Character Roles is the problem with too many Duelists
Why no swap? Please.
This guy definitely needs a buff
What're your mains?!
Multiple Lords doesn't = unemployment
Mantis is just goated like that
Kirby swallowed you.What ability did he get?
Losing in hero shooters feels worse than other shooters
Am I the reason why I can't climb?
I’ve won the past 11 of my competitive matches, if I lose every game before I get that crest I’ma lose my mind.
Cannabis prices likely to increase if Michigan adopts proposed new tax
Adam Warlock, the perfect human.
I mean honestly… How do you get out of Bronze
Am I bad for starting off with Jeff?
Is solo queue in comp really this bad?
Jeff bad? I always get blamed for losing.
No I’m not solo healing and you can’t make me
Honestly, how Many times have you played this game?
Which character do you find the most fun for each class?
How much money have you spend?
I've Solo Queued To Grand Master In Both S0 And S1. These Are The Biggest Things That Helped Me.
“I sure hope i get to diamond today” i said before going through 3 hours a agonizing torture
What’s your most brutally honest op on cloak and dagger?