Starlight spotted in an episode before her revenge arc
Twilight has accepted her fate…
Aaaah this dialogue hahaha. I love this show.
One question I have about the G5, which I think is unlikely to be answered.
Flim and Flam weren't wrong?
Is Equestria a flat planet?
Who's your favourite MLP character and why?
I spent months waiting for apples and getting to the last room of Color by Magic without paying a cent towards it when it suddenly locks me out at what I assume is the last level telling me I need to subscribe for $4.99. Wow.
Who do you think it's the least liked character of MLP and why? (both series and movie)
Given Rainbow Dash's soft spot for Pirates, how would she react to the existence of a country that does this to Pirates upon being captured?
Favorite Sci-Twi hairstyle?
Any opinions on Tempest?
What is something in the comics/video games that you'd want to see in the show?
Who wins?
What are some facts you know about Applejack?
Wait if cleopatra exist.. does that mean other historical figures also reigned in Equestria?
Pinkie's half life
Bootleg Fluttershy plush I found in a dollar store
Is there anywhere to make friends before a pony con? (Pic unrelated)
The fact that celestia was living alone in that Castle for years till she took cadance in.
Is it just me or...
the FIM show's a fun watch even if not perfect
what special / short is this pinkie clip from? (EQG)
Annoyed Twilight . That's it , that's the post .