It's not the job.
Oh god this is how he’s gonna beat Goto for the IWGP in 72 hours time.
When the youth intake is bad
Act 3 feels so big.
What’s a character build you always opt for?
Which quest do you think is the most illogical?
Should I be honest in the interview?
Choose one. 1. One time payment of $500,000 tax free 2. De-age by 20 years 3. Stop aging for 25 years
Why did she have these was she important?
American Legion Hall 308
I’m not really understanding bard
The first ever working strikerless formation?
Some things just look wrong and this LOOKS WRONG
Stop hanging out in camp and get involved!!
How do you design your Dream Guardians?
I rarely have trouble keeping Isobel alive. But Jaheira...
One for me, one for the enemy. One for me...
Found a place with alot of food in Act 1
What has happened to the UK job market?
Motivation when moving roles in 3 months time?
What really constitutes being FM'd?
How do you make the most out of WFH?
Needs must when the injuries rack up
They are ready and waiting but will never get called on
In all curiousness who’s your favorite romance option & why?