Snafu Hall of Fame 2024
Why is the artwork in the LBPPSP manual in particular so uncharacteristically morbid and violent? I know LittleBigPlanet as a series in general was no stranger to violence and occasional adult humor, but dang.
gotta go smug
Smugged into a battle on the ice
coaxed into a 100x big bang kamehameha
Public Service Announcement
stirner moment
there are a million ways to interpret this
coaxed into being passionate about a niche piece of media that for some reason is revived years later as a meme
coaxed into 30 years
Allstars or not, I hope Sony revisits the crossover concept.
I don't know why but Astro Daxter looks so freaking adorable UwU
coaxed into lost media
Coaxed in youtube music
find luigi
[TOMT][Music][2010s] Song by a boyfriend/girlfriend duo with the lyric "Get It"
coaxed into asking women
what are some snafu topics that don't involve politics?
smugged into oil
Coaxed or smuggied into r/animeme
smugged into unclean pigs
Why didn’t nutsack go for eve is he stupid?
what was your incident
A car wash is a literal drive-thru