Brandish had the coldest introduction in the series. [discussion]
Grand magic games or tartaros which one is better according to you [anime]
Share ur favourite Alvarez moment! [discussion]
100 YQ be like [meme]
[meme] Roast Kyoka, go!
[Discussion] Favorite Minor Guild Member
[Discussion] Fistfight of the five main characters
[media] I need everyone’s help
Just make it happen mashima [media]
Making Reshiram and Palkia better
[anime] Erza vs Laxus vs Mirajane
[Discussion] Unpopular Opinion: Lucy has the best fans
What Fairy Tail opinion would you defend even if everyone else disagreed?[discussion]
Where would sting and rouge rank in the standings if they joined fairy tail [discussion]
Out of all the fairy tail members who do yall think lost the most and experience the most trauma in their life “[discussion]
[Manga] Crazy these 100 Years Quest characters have yet to meet
Irene just wants the best for her daughter [media]
It's weird these two have never met[anime]
[Discussion] Favorite Magical Device
[Discussion] Erza is weaker than Gray
[Discussion] Mirajane vs Irene
GUYS has anyone else noticed this?? [discussion]
[manga] What's your top 30 strongest currently in the manga
The Dragon slayers versus the Golden Storm [discussion]
Insert any Levy pictures here! [Media]