What other skins of Caps would you guys want?
Hit Celestial one tricking Captain America the other night!!
Got this from a lootbox last night.
Climbed to Grandmaster using Captain America for 90% of my games.
External Monitor is Detected but Shows no Display
It’s really fun finding different approaches to flank the other team.
If you could ANY what if in sparking zero what would you choose
And can she fight?
Dragon Ball women drawn by me
They completely ruined the Druid class...
I know it’s barely been a week since the game released, but who’s your main so far?
As the Eyes Burn
DW2 Peon as an Officer When?
Who do yall think will be revealed next?! Post your fave
Ignore the missed Pulse Bomb 😅
Haven’t played her for long, but she’s fun!
Goofy characters who can be/are legitimately competent threats
I still don’t get why they made Mumon so girlish. He could’ve been such an awesome girl fighter
M23 make me sad
Zhang Liao’s full design in Dynasty Warriors: Origins
What would this team be called?
Top three upvoted anime win
What’s Megan’s APR?
Done with barb for the season.