A new-to-me travel con (scam)
Are we allowed say positive things about the game?
Who starts at cm?
87+ Icon Pick
90 x 4 and Season Icon Pick
Why are Dublin Airport taxi drivers so annoyed when I ask them to drive me 10km away?
Who should I take, I have a few barca players but when Baku's loan expires he won't have full chemistry (team 2 and 3 slides)
Is the lvl 40 Icon pick lowkey glitched? I’m seeing EVERYONE get the thunderstruck Gullit
Some Random Heroes #2 Argentina Edition
Should I just buy Gold Theo? I’m used to just playing with only first owner cards!
31, Male, hurt me
Full official team coming out today
Anyone else frustrated about promo card selection?
I Need Some Of These Heroe's In FC26 🙏, Who Would You Like To See As New Heroe's In FC26?
One legend ICON who we want on FC !
Free Maradona and Zidane are ruining creative team building
FC25 is boring.
champs rewards not worth it anymore ?
Please scrap the Roles system for next year...
So Maradona will remain 89 for me. There are plenty of options. 500k coins for +3 — naaah!
Whats a card that no one else uses except you?
Nesta or Fernando Hierro ?
Most average team in division 3
Who makes your grass roots greats XI?
Why do people griddy?