Unlock the “War Kick” ability to deliver a powerful blow on enemies. A move that would make our Misthios proud! | Source: official AC Instagram profile
I don't know about the rest of ya'll but...
im gonna ruin this subreddit for you
What should we name this thing?
Try having a serious conversation with this dude. Go on..
What is the first game that comes to mind when you see the Ubisoft logo?
Thoughts on Tara?
Tell me a superpower that cannot be used for violence no matter how it is used.
should i still run odyssey? i dont wanna waste my time
Which movie would you defend like this?
Finished AC3 for the first time...so that ending huh?
The height difference is killing me 💀
Coldest Arya moment if you ask me
Which option would you choose?
If you've seen this movie, prove it by either quoting it or following up on someone else's quote
Do y’all think Seven hating us is deserved
We did it! The players have spoken!
This character had zero development
You’re a Autobot that just arrived on Earth. These are the vehicles that Telatran 1 has pre selected for your alt mode. Which car do you pick
I have never played SM2 because I don't have a PS5, and this sub's negativity for the game confirms for me that I shouldn't buy the PC port
Is there a Decepticon that you think would make a better leader than Megatron?
Name a character that can beat her
Let’s Be Really Symphathetic.
The Bayverse