I'm so happy that the Academy is finally taking animation seriously...
Best movie poster ever
Going from The Last Wish’s art style to this is pretty jarring. I’ll wait for more stuff to come out before I can make a proper judgment though.
Why does this animation look like Illumination???
Here's your new Shrek yall
Peak tagline
Name a better example of character assassination than this. I'll wait
Schaff needs a lawyer, but he better not call Saul! His original BCS video is his WORST! But what is Schaff's FUNNIEST video?
Watching the Lion King (2019) be pushed down again was satisfying.
“The movie sucks but damn this song is good” is what movie song?
So that’s why Spiderverse got delayed
Do you also have this one brawler nobody likes but you just love him?
Absolute cinema
Schaff’s reaction to the new Smurfs trailer
Favourite quote from The Incredibles?
What’s the most underrated skin in your opinion (I.e no one ever uses this skin)?
I ranked every Spike pin🔥🔥🔥🔥
What did you buy with your 400 pizza slices?
What did y’all get from your free legendary starr drop?
Name me more reasons to play Buzz Lightyear other than gaining his title or trophies for trophy box
Man, I really love my Spanish book
I asked Chatgpt to write a plot worthy of a Megamind sequel
I can't believe they named a river after Po
I got my first rank 25, what’s yours?
Toy Story 5's villain be like: