Hot take : Jeanne always hotter than Bayonetta
So what the point of Stiletto/Stinger in B3 again?
Bayonetta has always been the stronger one
If Bayonetta 3 on Switch 2 and a weapon from previous game comr back then it should be which one in your opinion?
Caption this
My honest reaction after find out my favorite artist is spardacest
What do you this book about 👀
Who's ready ?
If one character has to die to revival other character in Alien Stage then which character you would choose to kill
What your hot take on DMC gameplay
How would you improve Viola’s playstyle for Bayonetta 4?
How fast is Bayonetta combat comparing to other hack n slash game like DMC , GoW original and MGR ?
What do you think Bayonetta do in 20 years before the story of B1 begin
I see a lot people in this sub underestimate Viola power
What your favorite to least DMC story ?
Name this team?
Strongest gun in lore
Which character you could beat in Bayonetta?
Literally Wicked Weaves
White hair characters use gun as their weapons ?
Challenge for Bayonetta fan : say something good about Bayonetta 3 plot
Challenge for DMC fan : says something good about DMC2
Wonder how her coochie feet after this ? 👀
Questions about Dante , Vergil and Nero regeneration ?