Halloween costume: Fruit of the Loom cornucopia mentioned
Mandela Logos
Seahorse and Swordfish emojis
dev console (steam)
CPR mixes?
Hard R… not quite
The builder potion is alcoholic?
[no spoilers] The elevator from s2 e1 looks exactly like the one from the 2010 adaptation of macbeth
[S2 Spoilers] Twitter needs to be nuked off the planet ASAP
[s2 spoilers] The elevator from a episode in s2 looks exactly like the elevator from Goold’s 2010 MacBeth.
[S2 Spoilers] Interesting and Cool Easter Eggs for every Intros
Top 25: Boston
what niche websites do you know of?
Im bored, what niche websites do you know of?
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Mission Control for Sandbox Mode
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Is there a meaning behind your username?
Reddit users, What's an amazing factor you know about nature?
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what is the funniest instagram comment you have ever seen?