25F Abnormal Laporoscopic Appendectomy Pictures In a Patient With Neurofibromitosis Type 1
My wife just had an extended appendectomy
NF1 and abnormal appendicitis
I’m a federal worker and am having a hell of a time
Do people with NF1 have different white blood cells counts than control groups?
can anyone who quit at a youngish age shed some light on how it was worth it?
29M Almost 4 years off the sauce
Trump voters deserve to lose their jobs /s
Sale of Public Lands (US)
Secretary Rollins names Tom Schultz Chief of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service
Randy Moore Retires
If you voted for Trump I hope you lose your job.
Essential Reading
Please reply to this email with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week and cc your manager.
Do most Foresters have to Move for job opportunities?
Low barrier solutions to help people to act for forests 🌳
Certifications and Trainings
Looking to pivot career choices into forestry, what would be the best route to take?
Whats the economic viability in logging in steep/remote National Forest vs flatter and more accessible private timber land?
Scream it from the rooftops, inform your friends, demand action from your representatives. Forest Management Benefits Everyone.
Trump’s Cuts to Forest Service: A Recipe for Far More Destructive Fires
Hey everyone, I think you'll like this video I made to bring awareness to the forestry side of the funding freeze and federal layoffs.
HR 471 - Fix Our Forests Act
forestry masters