What is your favorite kdrama couple?
Which kdrama characters have the best outfits?
Park Eun-bin as Woo Young-woo is just perfection.
Sabonis is dead or there is hope?
Early 2000s kdramas
Rate my top 10
Is Prisoners (2013) in your top ten favorite crime films?
ML refused the refusal
Which movie scenes (without monsters or aliens) held the most tension? [info below pictures]
Unconventional actor/actress crushes?
What Are The Wildly Toxic Romantic Movie?
What film(s) are you going with?
What movie scene that makes you react like this?
Kyle "Third white hope" Filipowski
Who is your most favourite character in Kdramaland
Favorite supporting actors
Looking for something as much positive as it's possible!
Which K-Drama has side characters that completely stole the show for you?
Lesbian kdrama
Old Krdramas
Most terrifying or scariest scenes ever
Which Kdrama blew you away with the main lead visuals?
What young actor or actress you are most excited about in the future?
Rewatched True Romance for the first time in 20 years. The cast is unbelievable!
Why is Shawshank Redemption #1 on IMDB