Pt 2
Fell into a literal pool of shit
Name this item
That’s tough
2nd pothos that I can’t keep alive. What am I doing wrong?
Cute Hand Crochet? Knitted? Sweater at Value Village. $9. My question is will it unravel? Second Pic
this new toll road payment scam is so dumb 😭
jules begs for ts tickets 3/5
Nobody is jealous of you Jules.
Idk how people watch her lives.
Not to sure if this has been posted before.
I’ve gotten so many of these in the past few days.
Anthony Emil Irizarry-Cohan aka ShirtlessSavage
Is it possible to plan a wedding in a year?
Is this real?
Any ideas?
can employees not use coupons?
I can't tell if this is real?
[Alarming, the nsfw is on the profile not on this post] I stumbled upon this girl that uploads vids like this, and on her profile there are self harm pics, and thirst traps (on teenager subreddits winch have a lot of pedos) this is all I know but I think its concerning. Idk and where else to post
Do the flare leggings ever go on sale
New GWP…
My boyfriend of 9 months thinks I stole $600 of our rent money, but I didn't
Should I have bought them out?