I’m developing a game with a Project Zomboid + Fantasy For a game in this genre, what kind of art style would make you?
The original DUSK-dev gave me a shout-out! Hooray!!
Twitch Livestream Tomorrow! Comment to Have Your Game Reviewed
Behold, our lord and savior the 321-gon
Soo apparently there's a tickbox you can check to make your demo more visible on Steam... Good to know 😅
My demo has been live for a week, and 3000+ people have played it!
Skinny legs - but robot's got moxie!
What do you think of this trailer?
Environmental Art for my game
Ps2 recommendations?
i added rock climbing to my dating sim (where you play as a house and date other buildings)
Zahnhygiene ist wichtig 🦷
My game is launching in just a few weeks! Just added a fun new feature - random weapon mods
Attack on wolf den (Skell Warren) from Dragonhold (PC). We're a 3 man team and would love your support!
Looking forward to the new Doom game, but I swear this happened at the exec meetings
Mich würde mal interessieren: Was denkt ihr wie dad Profil der Person ist, die sowas postet? Alter, Geschlecht, Familienstatus usw.
Which color tone is better?
Sandbags are superior. Try the Demo :)
Battles in the cave look awesome!
Looking back at one year of sweat, blood and tears.
I added an animation for people leaving their car 🚗🚪 in my Parking Lot simulator!
Any suggestions how I can make the grenade icon on the left blend in more?
The Nintendo trailer, how did they make the mesh level changes?