I just flushed all of my meds in the toilet
Responders/Fire Breathers Build
Found in my parents cold storage….
anyone know why lights are like this
This is not what i imagined my future to be like
had fun logging onto discord today after a week hiatus
Living in a country where is hard to put my hands on a gun gotta be one of the most infurating things.
My last post.
It hurts so bad
I hope i don’t wake up tomorrow
Wish i had the courage to do it
Staying alive is really painful
Does anyone feel scared and terrified randomly at times?
Valentine’s Day. 💘 Can you tell that I’ve been mostly rotting in bed since November? 🖤
I think about dying more than living
Feeling like these next few days will truly be my last.
I know I shouldn’t think of it as manipulative but I do. If I already know it isn’t, then am I being even more manipulative by still posting this? I can’t do anything right, even being wrong. If I’m an attention whore, I hate my guts.
everytime some minor inconvenience happens, I contemplate suicide 😂
i don’t know what to do anymore
I did it!!
What is the BEST thing about STW for you?
Suicide is my only option
i’m so suicidal help me