New Strategem Idea
A stratagem that could prevent dozens of friendly fire incidents: Elevated MG Sentry [OC]
Whoever made this comic is probably very happy right now.
They actually did it! The absolute mad men [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff: Hellbomb Backpack [OC]
Doodling ideas for new stuff 15: Extra pouches armor passive [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 14: Dualist/Duelist Armor [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 13: Hover Fabricator and Hover Incinerator [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 12: More stratagem variants [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 11: More Strider Variants [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 10: Arc Harpoon Emplacement [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 9: Grenadier Devastator [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 8: Brood Spawner [OC]
Doodling Ideas For New Stuff 7: Electric Fence Launcher
Doodling Ideas For New Stuff 6: Centaur Devastator
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 5: Lunge Mine Support Weapon [OC]
Doodling Ideas For New Stuff 4: Burrowing Pincer Terminid Enemy [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 3: More SMGs and Pistols [OC]
Doodling Ideas for New Stuff 2: Howitzer, Railgun, and MSX-16 Supercommando Emplacement [OC]
Casper's drone is the best addition to Battlefield 2042
Love the bayonet. Going to miss it if it doesn't make it into Battlefield 2042
My proudest achievement on Battlefield V.
Weapon Wednesday: Rampage | August 04 2021
If the spitfire goes into the care package next season, it should have shatter caps