Would my life be more successful as a woman?
Trying to sort through resumes for a role I'm hiring for...
The telephone scam piece
What was the moment that made you realize you either have or don’t have pretty privilege?
How do you cope with the idea that none of this really matters?
The real reason they don't want transgender people
I don't understand fried eggs ontop of other meals
You don’t need to wonder what you would have done when Hitler was rising. You’re doing it right now.
hopefully no former NBA coaches were actually harmed
Western guys could do so much better abroad
As a brown guy, the racism of white women isn't talked about enough
well this got nuts, didn't it?
Warrior Culture causes the downfall of civilization.
How did we get here
Trump Rejects Vance
I think I’m becoming a femcel
Why are people freaking out over trans people not allowed in womens or mens sports, Vice versa
As a Canadian, I must admit that, in the year 2025, the last bastions of civilized and free society lie in Asia: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore.
People who have gone back to school later in life, how did it go?
What restaurants do you miss?
Grandpa hated Nazis so much he helped kill 25,000 of them in Dresden
The current state of the US is more like late stage Ming China than Weimar Germany
What's difficult in early marriage?
Where are you guys getting your eggs these days?
Im lowkey scared! Any Answer?