Liver problems linked to supplement use are on the rise—here’s why
One year on agmatine: documenting my recovery story
Europe in 2100 without and with Immigration; Romania is a sad case…
Several Psychiatric Disorders Including Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, And Major Depressive Disorder May Share The Same Root Cause, Study Reveals
Immunological Impacts of Rapa
Anti-aging experiment: I have been taking weekly rapamycin for over 2 years - AMA
Do you guys have trouble "filtering out" background noises when talking with other people?
Taking next weekly dose while sick?
Specific neurons that secrete oxytocin in the brain are disrupted in a mouse model of autism, neuroscientists have found. Stimulating these neurons restored social behaviors in these mice. These findings could help to develop new ways to treat autism.
Any way to reduce excessive glutamate with stimulants but keep the dopamine increase?
For those who are less "obvious" autistic, how did you/what led you to get diagnosed?
what's your experience with non-stimulant adhd meds?
Everyday is getting harder
Can you build muscle on Rapamycin?
Has anyone been helped by Rapamycin for CFS/ME?
Noticeable improvement in hearing since “megadosing” fish oil. I notice this day to day and confirmed via audiogram.
GAD1 Mutation and Slow Comt / Slow MAOA
A neuroimaging study of over 200 individuals with autism found no evidence of atypical functional connectivity in the amygdala, a brain region critical for processing emotions, particularly fear, and for threat detection.
If there is a drug that can make you neurotypical, would you take it?
Dietary lysophosphatidylcholine-EPA enriches both EPA and DHA in the brain: potential treatment for depression [Yalagala et al., 2019]
Autism symptoms reduced nearly 50% 2 years after fecal transplant
Did anyone get back into lifting weights?
LDN for autism
Why does ADHD-PI come more often with autism than other ADHD types?
Autism, The Brain Stem, Glial Cells, and Myelination