Go to this post if you want to talk!
Do you have to be squeally to hit the 5th octave?
Rihanna vocal range in each album and era!
Rihanna’s live vocal range
Rihanna’s INSANE vocal riffs and runs 2002-2007
Are these the steps to immigrate to the Nordic countries from the US?
The media stokes division and takes advantage of anxious people, does social media count as media?
Why will political bullshit not stop showing up in my recommended no matter what I search?
Ever since I hit a growth spurt in late July 7 months ago at this time, I have had worse brain fog and anxiety.
Is heterophobia a social thing because of 2 things:
Dickheads debt acting EG aggressive when it comes to social issues while doing it. Dumbasses.
Does anyone have Black Ops 3 on 360 and wants to do the Shadows of Evil Easter egg (requires 4 players). Also I want the achievement for opening up pack a punch on round 1.
Why does the left in the US go out of its way to antagonize men and ingrain it in peoples heads it’s white peoples fault that blacks were slaves/segregated at one point. And then act surprised when white people and men drift to the right?
(Venting ish post) So I am a gay male and I play Call of Dity on Xbox
What do y’all say to those who think Mariah isn’t big outside of the US/North America beside AIWFCIY
[MW3] "this current profile is not allowed to play on Xbox live" error
Outside of Australia will P!nk ever be a music legend or at least Rihanna/Beyonce/Britney level?
Is Mariah big in Europe, South America (beside Brazil) and Africa beside AIWFCIY?
Is the Helion Salvo the only weapon that can beat the Eye of Odin?
Is there any glitches to make Ephemeral Enhancement permanent on BO3?
What do you say to those who say Mariah, Janet Jackson, Beyonce, Eminem, Drake, and like one or two others aren’t nearly as famous outside the US/North America (beside AIWFCIY for Mariah)
What’s a bigger hit: Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding from Fifty Shades of Grey, or Super Bass by Nicki Minaj?
Xbox 360, Black Ops 3, Shadows of Evil, opening pack a punch on Round 1 (achievement) and also doing the 4 player Easter egg.
Anyone know any fixes?
I went through a burnout in November 2022, did all the gaslighting and manipulating that happened for a whole year up to that point contribute?