Salamander Salamander
Ogroid Thaumaturge: let’s pretend
How good is a primarily Darkoath army?
Why is eternus the way that he is?
How would you guys expand the ogroid range?
GW can’t keep getting away with it!!!
Dark angel Combat Patrol as Salamanders
Saurus oldblood proxy?
New things in the 4e S2D tome
Is there a limit on how many reactions abilities can be used per phase?
Can slaves to darkness unit get a 6+ ward?
Help building a 1000 point list for 2v2.
Do marks of chaos affect monsters with companion keyword?
Guesses at What Will Be Revealed October 5th?
So we get new models with the battletomb?
New world eater player question
New Chaos Daemons
CoS Faction Pack Review
Is an controlled objective considering friendly territory?
Army suggestions
New Salamanders Player
Spearhead rules
Future Darkoath Miniatures in 4th Edition.
Can I put chaos space marines into world eaters
Idolator lord mark change