Guess the game!
Big FPS drop?
Can we all agree that this calling card sucked to get
The fact that they've done this on double xp weekend is just pure evil
We’ll get through this….
I swear to god I am going to kill myself
Anyone else play cookie clicker when the servers are down/ when youre hella bored?
is there any significance to the pins on Alvarezs jacket?
Anybody else really happy with Season 02 so far?
The FAL is visible in Mastery Badges
Blackwell bonus XP is insane!
Who is he (wrong answers only)
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Alright Squaddies, It's Time To Hero Up!
This is why you should check your power supply
I can enjoy the game now 🥳
Different artists on TikTok get together to create a song. The result is this banger.
Loving the new DM (Damascus) Ultra blueprint
To launch a Space X rocket
What does this mean?
Keyboard and Mouse
I can rest now
What was your ps2 game you had this bond with?
She Loves to Game With Me
Ban wave is in effect for BQ exploiters