The temperature is always wrong on my phone's app for weather.
My body decided to reject my dental implant after less than 2 weeks.
I give you the “can’t pee standing up toilet”.
My fortune cookie had an ad instead of a fortune
Red spots only on legs not itchy
What are these red spots on my legs
How to stop scratching my feet raw while I sleep
My sims dr with their baby went up to 112?!?!?
Chip wants to say hi!
Unable to report this despicable user because they only post advertisements and have no posts I can report (ad from u/actionmatters if you were wondering)
How my boyfriend packed up a moving box with kitchen stuff while I was at work
What is this v4 colour?
EA forces you to "upgrade" to a game launcher that is broken and will uninstall the old launcher if you do it. You can't click on anything in the old launcher and there's no way to get rid of this window.
POS knocks out a woman on the street in Japan
Seller still hasn’t sent item after 13 days (9 business days)
top posts of all time all of a sudden won't load
Seller hasn’t shipped item after paying 7 days ago
Does location matter?
For those who have dairy as a trigger
Antivaxxer writes a poem
Baby contracted a herpesvirus few days after birth causing brain infection. 90% of brain tissue died. Light behind head showing how much brain is missing
is this excema or ring worm?
liver and boba. :(
Any idea what's causing this?
What is this? Bleeds and hurts very badly