Need Advice: Is This a Red Flag or Just Relationship Challenges?
chat where can i get a female gf? (Need advice from the fishermen not the fishes, girls stay aside but you are welcome to read. just don't share me your opinions. But not like I can stop you though. But It would be cool if you didn't.)
Another lonely Valentine’s Day 🙃
Seeking advice on master's
Bloating and Gases
I had to bear, its your turn now
Women are complicated.
Desi jugaad for energy?
How do you Lose Weight as an Emotional Eater Without a Gym and alot of Body Fat?
Threathened by a guy for some pics
How do you let go of someone from your past when you were the only one giving in the relationship?
I lost my best friend two days ago.
Breaking Into the Industry: How to Build Skills and Land a Sponsored Job
30F - Looking for friends around my age - London
Feeling trapped in my marriage so decided to look for love elsewhere
How to change my life as a man in Uk?
My SO lied to me and it's driving me nuts.